Greetings Lightworkers!

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What is Light?
Help from the other side!
This is how GOD works!
You have a body of light
Meditation is the key
Abundance is everywhere
Build a business
The Lightworks Puzzle Art Project

What is Light works?

“For me, being a photographer is being a light magician. The light comes down and, for me, light is like water. It’s very fluid. You’re painting a picture with light…. But it’s the light inside that allows me to recognize what’s outside. Because you only see according to what you see inside.” William Giles (click)

This is the message which we heard of him, and declare unto you, that ” God is Light “and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

The light works foundation website was created with the intention to serve as a portal into the introduction and exploration of light both physical and non-physical, seen and unseen.

Hello Seeker, my name is Vincent Kegler. I use the term seeker because if you have found this page that is what you are.  I believe I was born to be a photographer for me it has been the perfect form of expression to help me understand life. When I was 8 years old my mother died, it created a void in my life that was difficult if not impossible to fill. It left me feeling alone and afraid. Like other children I explored lots of activities to try and occupy my time and bring a sorely lacking sense of joy into my life. One day when I was thirteen, I was given a 35mm camera and I was hooked immediately. I was thrilled by the machine and what it could do, with it I learned I could perform “Magic”. I spent all my time playing with it and I got pretty good. I finally found a way to close out the noise of the world and focus on what I felt was important and share what I found with others. The years went by and I had gotten to the point where I could create “pretty pictures” from almost any subject and it all began to get a little boring.Then I met my teacher William Giles, he was a master photographer and an initiated shaman (although I didn’t know what that was at the time). I worked with him for about three years and during that time rarely did we ever have conversations on whether a photo was good or bad. The only questions that ever came up were: why did I choose a particular subject, how did it make me feel ? He taught me that at its highest expression photography could assist the artist into a state of transcended awareness and from those moments of expanded consciousness we were closer to the realization of God in and around us. He taught me that photography could become my “Yoga”  (path to oneness) That was the beginning of my journey of light. This site was created with the intention of providing a source of information for the understanding, appreciation, and use of light in all its forms for the expansion of awareness in the visible and the invisible world. We celebrate Photography because it is the only medium that draws its source directly from the light. It is at the same time, a scientific and technical endeavor, that when done correctly can lead to higher levels of enlightenment and awareness of both the external and internal worlds. We believe light to be a creative and healing force, through the practice of Photography, chakra meditation, creative visualization, mantra (sound)meditation,divination and working with the energies of crystals, positive spiritual changes can occur in the lives of everyone. As humans, we exist due to a cohesive collection of cells, molecules, atoms, particles and subatomic particles, “Electromagnetic Energy” LIGHT!

There’s a lot more to this story that I will get into as the site grows but for now, I would encourage you to scroll through the menu and pick a subject to get started. The information you will find has been provided by very gifted and knowledgeable beings, Consider this the new beginning of your path in both photography and search of inner light

 We feel a deliberate and conscious use of all forms of electromagnetic manipulation can lead to deeper levels of awareness, more profound states of consciousness and provide a sense of overall wellbeing thus providing a “Foundation” for the beginning of the experience of YOGA!

“Union with God “

Peace & Light

Vincent A Kegler

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